I'm currently developing a program that integrates with a computer's existing webcam and sound system to develop a motion detector.
I've successfully created a screenshot saving program, or also known as, Desk Watch.
It captures a computer's screen view at every interval which is defined, launched during startup, and password protected.
Now, I'm going more in-depth into video capture.
However, due to the large file which video capturing creates, I would think it's wise to integrate motion sensing into my program as it will then only capture videos if there are any movements. It's redundant to capture still environment anyway.
Once I'm done with this program, it will open new doors of opportunities for my career path and allowing me to not only limit my choice to the software development industry but as well as the mass media industry.
And hopefully one day, I could advance my video/motion capture programs to facial/expression recognition programs, and it would lead me to the security/defense industry. Lol, dreaming XD but it's possible. Cheers!!
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