Sunday, 18th February 2007.
Last night was Chinese New Year's eve. By 10pm onwards, sms greetings started flooding in by family and friends, but one particular friend sent a sms quite late. It was 3.45am, I was sleeping when a sms came in and woke me up (no, I do not turn off my phone, period!). It was from my secondary school friend whom I haven't met in years!! (Well, at least there's 2 years.. I think..). I wrote him a testimonial last week, scolding him for not keeping in touch with me. So, last night or rather, very early this morning (3.45am), he sent me a message saying that it's been a long time since we last met, and he missed the old times. Well.. I replied to him that I missed the old times too and couldn't believe it's been 3 years already since we left our secondary school life behind.. Those tough yet fun-filled adolescence times..
Although we once wished that we graduate from secondary school A.S.A.P, but once we're outta it, we realize that it was that time where we were the most carefree compare to college. Those time where we find ways to hide when we didn't wear our name tags, badges, or our lencana sesi pagi. Sometimes, we hide in empty classrooms because we didn't felt like attending Monday assembly, but were spotted by prefects, I still remember we made an excuse that we need to use the washroom first, hoping the prefect will not follow. Sometimes we just walk away as though we didn't hear the prefect calling and ran for it. Too much memories, too lazy to write it down, lol. If my secondary school friends are reading this, they'll remember those times too, unforgettable moments I would call it.
It was the time where friends were the most true and closest. In college, you could practically use math to calculate your amount of friends. Friends = You(Popularity + Nice Car + Latest Styles). Well.. that does not apply to some people though, take me for example, I'm blessed with understanding and supportive friends. They are the few friend which are left since secondary and the ones I newly made when I started college. They know some of my most deepest secrets, they are my 3 closest of friends. Sad to say.. Some of my friends does not really know me well. I used to have another close friend, since childhood, but he went to another school after SPM for form 6. He used to be my only close friend.. but time can sometimes be cruel if you do not take the appropriate measures. However, I'm feeling that the gap between one of my 3 closest friends are starting to grow. We use to chat till late at the night for a few hours, just chatting practically about anything! Girls, music, movies, old times, future plans, heart troubles, dilemmas, gossips. Lol, practically anything.
I still remember that we swore upon graduating from secondary 5, that we all would remain friends forever. Hey, at least officially speaking, we're all still friends, but just ain't as close as before.. Sad though.. It's something about me that I treasure friends a lot, because I feel that true friends are hard to find, and even harder to maintain. Well.. whoever are my friends, will always be my friend. No matter whether we've argued before, broke up before (for girls), or had a fight before. Once a friend, always a friend, because that bond was once created. Cheers to friendship!!
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