13 June '09:
Today I had my driving exam. It was kinda funny actually the way it went.
I arrived at the Kepong tracks, and followed through the procedure to get my turn number, and I was number 7 *lucky 7 perhaps? lol XD*
When the exam finally began, we were all directed to a hut (pondok) to wait for our turn, which we go 10 at once. There are 10 cars parked in front of the slope test area.
The first 10 is directed to get ready in the car, so I got up and took car no. 7. I was so nervous, I went and open the passenger's side door XD
1 by 1 the participants tried for the slope and there are few who failed.
When it's finally my turn, I guess I was nervous again because I went up without waiting for the examiner to call for my turn. I went up then was told to go down again to wait for her signal.
So, I waited and I passed the slope with just 1 try =D and so did I on the side parking and 3 point turn. After getting back my test card, I passed it to the JPJ officer who then sat in the car with me to proceed with the on-the-road test.
I adjusted the mirrors, tested the signals, headlights, gear and viper, adjusted my seat but dunno why he marked I didn't check my side-mirrors when I did... maybe I didn't check the passenger side mirror.
I was nervous once again and drove about 1 feet or so without fastening my seatbelt, lol XD After I've fastened my seatbelt I proceed to the main road which I did well just at the last part.
Upon the junction which I would need to take a turn back to the driving tracks, I don't know why but I downed by gear from 3 to 2 and jerked the car... and my marks too...
All in all, I PASSED the freaking exam!!! Woooooo!!! Cheers!!!
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