2012, a graphic intensive movie which with good sound system will leave a good dose of after-effect of deep thought in you. After the movie or rather, after most End-of-World themed movies, I would always wonder which date will the End-of-Days fall on. It’ll be really ironic if it falls on 1st of January.
By the way, 2012 has nothing to do with environmental pollution or stuff like that, it is caused by an external factor called the ‘largest solar flare in human history’ which causes a domino effect. First, is the core of the Earth heating up like oven, then caused the slow melting of the Earth’s crust from within, which triggers the crust to be ‘soft’ and hence, collapse.
In layman term, take a cookie (Earth’s crust), place it flat afloat in hot milk (Earth’s core/mantle layer) which was initially just a warm milk, then you’ll see the cookie crumble =)
*Solar Flare*
courtesy of www.nasa.gov
I like to observe, literally. Observing always trigger thoughts to circulate in my mind. It intrigues me to observe the behavior and reaction of the people who are within my range of sight.
Every morning, I would leave my condo with my friend when he drops me to work. I would always take notice of the foreign workers who will always be walking alongside of the sidewalk to wherever their destination is. I would look at the traffic policemen, the drivers who are traversing from point A to point B, listen the radio casts who are talking. At the end of all that thinking, I know that all of us are –just people- insignificantly small in the eyes of our world leaders. To them, we’re just like seeds used to sow their fragrant economy.
The only part which I think is real in most 2012-like movies, is the part where if the End-of-Days is here and there’s an –Ark- we wouldn’t be worthy enough to be saved because we’re no one special and as said, insignificant. Those who will be included for salvation are the Top Notch in their fields such as Astrophysicists, Cosmologist, Biochemist and etc etc, and I don’t mean sports.
Foreseeable, are those illiterate group of people will be those running around shouting retarded remarks, creating chaos and reaping whatever that is within their reach. Ignorant who are easily fooled by government composed news will meet their makers too. Sad to say, but if sufficient common sense if applied, you’ll know what I mean.
It’s a sad scenario. However, if you’re non-religious, the most practical way to salvation is to be an Ace in your field and hope the government will include you in whichever self-preservation plan they’ve cooked up. On the other hand, if you’re religious, then all you have to do is believe in your Savior.
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